Wednesday, April 25, 2012

35 weeks - 35 semanas

Nothing new with the pregnancy so far. Just feeling very tired and achy. The contractions have stopped, and now all I have is a lot of lower back pain. Also, Gael has the hiccups at this very moment (I think he gets them at least 2 times a day)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In the hospital

So I started having contractions at 1:30pm today each 30 seconds every 1'30". I went to the hospital and will be here til the morning. I was given medicine to stop the contractions still Waiting on blood work.

Monday, April 2, 2012

32 weeks / 32 semanas

I'm definitely starting to feel the aches and pains of the pregnancy now. I've been having very bad hip/back/pelvic pain along with infrequent but often Braxton Hicks contractions (the small contractions that prepare your body for the real thing) It's getting harder to keep up with Lyric, and to do simple things, such as sleep and walk. haha. I no longer walk, I officially "waddle"! Go Me!
I finished packing my hospital back, and we now have just about everything ready for Gael's arrival