Friday, September 21, 2012

Gael Rolled Over!

Today I put Gael in his play gym, when I went to check on him he was face down!!! A week shy of 4 months and he has already rolled over :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3 Month Check up!

Today Gael saw his Doctor. He weighs a wopping 16lbs 5 oz! and is 25.59" long. He is still breastfeeding and taking a formula bottle at night to stay full and sleep all night. He is a smiley little baby and loves to be held. His milestones including grabbing for things that are close or on him and bringing to his mouth. His favorite thing is to sit on my leg and bounce like a horsey. He's wearing size 6m clothes and is in a size M diaper! I can't believe how fast time is going!!!

Hoy fuimos al medico. Gael tiene 7400g y 65cm . Esta tomando el pecho todavia y una mamadera de la leche maternal en la noche para dormir todo la noche. ël rei y le gusta estar en los brazos. Se puede tener cosas q son cerca de el, y poner en su boca. Su cosa favorita es estar en mi pierna como un caballo. Se usa ropa en el talle para 6meses y "M" en pañales. No puedo creer que rapido todo pasa!!