Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday afternoon

Gael, now 17.63 lbs is growing more each day! He's exploring the world through his mouth and his favorites are his feet and other peoples' fingers.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A few faces of Gael

Bathtime in the sink

Sleepy time with his Wubanub

"Look Mom, I can eat my toes now!"

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gael Rolled Over!

Today I put Gael in his play gym, when I went to check on him he was face down!!! A week shy of 4 months and he has already rolled over :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3 Month Check up!

Today Gael saw his Doctor. He weighs a wopping 16lbs 5 oz! and is 25.59" long. He is still breastfeeding and taking a formula bottle at night to stay full and sleep all night. He is a smiley little baby and loves to be held. His milestones including grabbing for things that are close or on him and bringing to his mouth. His favorite thing is to sit on my leg and bounce like a horsey. He's wearing size 6m clothes and is in a size M diaper! I can't believe how fast time is going!!!

Hoy fuimos al medico. Gael tiene 7400g y 65cm . Esta tomando el pecho todavia y una mamadera de la leche maternal en la noche para dormir todo la noche. ël rei y le gusta estar en los brazos. Se puede tener cosas q son cerca de el, y poner en su boca. Su cosa favorita es estar en mi pierna como un caballo. Se usa ropa en el talle para 6meses y "M" en pañales. No puedo creer que rapido todo pasa!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

12 weeks

What a big boy Gael is becoming! He's smiling a lot and starting to make little giggles. He still hasn't rolled over but he's trying :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Last Ultrasound @ 37 weeks

Today we went to the last ultrasound. It confirmed that yes, Gael's head is down. The u/s technician also told us that his weight is estimated at 9lbs!!! I really hope that his numbers were off... I have my next Dr. appointment on Friday (in 2 days)

Hoy fuimos a la ultima ecografia. Si, la cabeza es para abajo. El medico nos dijo que el bebé tiene 4.10 kg ya! Yo lo espero que sus numeros no son proxima control es este Viernes.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

35 weeks - 35 semanas

Nothing new with the pregnancy so far. Just feeling very tired and achy. The contractions have stopped, and now all I have is a lot of lower back pain. Also, Gael has the hiccups at this very moment (I think he gets them at least 2 times a day)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In the hospital

So I started having contractions at 1:30pm today each 30 seconds every 1'30". I went to the hospital and will be here til the morning. I was given medicine to stop the contractions still Waiting on blood work.

Monday, April 2, 2012

32 weeks / 32 semanas

I'm definitely starting to feel the aches and pains of the pregnancy now. I've been having very bad hip/back/pelvic pain along with infrequent but often Braxton Hicks contractions (the small contractions that prepare your body for the real thing) It's getting harder to keep up with Lyric, and to do simple things, such as sleep and walk. haha. I no longer walk, I officially "waddle"! Go Me!
I finished packing my hospital back, and we now have just about everything ready for Gael's arrival

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

31 weeks 2 days - Dr. appt

Today I had an OB appointment. Blood pressure (100/90) and his heartbeat is normal. And the baby is fine. His head is down, and results from our 4D ultrasound are all normal.The due date is confirmed for May 28th, which puts me at 31 weeks and 2 days. However, I think Gael will come in the first 2 weeks of May. The next appointment is in 3 weeks, and then we start every week....the clock is ticking...

Hoy yo fui al medico. Todo esta bien con el bebe. Su cabeza es bajo y los resultados de 4D son normal. La fecha para el parto es 28 de Mayo, pero yo creo que lo va a estar en las primeras 2 semanas de Mayo. El proximo cita con el doctor es en 3 semanas, y despues, cada semana...


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

4D Ultrasound / Ecografia 4D

Gael Silva - 3 lbs 5 oz at 31 weeks

Gael Silva - El tiene 1.5 kg y 31 semanas

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

29 Weeks / 29 semanas

Results and a NAME! : Resultados y UN NOMBRE

Yay, I just spoke with my doctor today regarding the results of my blood and glucose tests. Everything is normal! This week I've gained 3 pounds!! I think I need to watch my ice cream intake...haha. What can I say, this baby knows what he likes.

As for the biggest news, Rodrigo and I have finally decided on a name. I'd like to say we're about 99.9% sure...
Gael _____ Silva. (pronounced: Gah-él)
**I also think I've hit a point in my pregnancy called "Nesting" because I am starting to OBSESS about organizing...not a bad thing for me... :P

Le hablé a mi doctor hoy, y los resultados del sangre y diabetes son normal! Este semana tengo 1.3 kg mas!!! Yo creo que necesito cuidar con el helado...jaja. Este bebé sabe lo que le gusta!

Y, por la noticia mas grande, Rodrigo y yo tenemos el nombre! Estamos 99.9% seguro
Gael _____ Silva !

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February OB - OB de Febrero

Today I saw my Dr. So far, I have gained a total of 16 lbs. I just entered the 3rd trimester last week. Which puts me at 28 weeks and 0 days today. I am scheduled to do my diabetes test and other bloodwork. Today, I heard his heartbeat; music to my ears. 3 months to go...

Hoy yo fui al medico. Hasta ahora, he ganado un total de 7,25 kgs. Me acaba de entrar en el 3er trimestre la semana pasada. Lo que me pone a las 28 semanas y 0 días de hoy. Estoy programado para hacer el test diabetes y exámenes de sangre. Ademas, escuché los latidos del corazón; estuve música para mis oídos. Faltan tres meses ...